
Digital literacy is about effectively and appropriately using technology to share information digitally with anyone around the world.  Using tools like Voki or GoAnimate are fun and easy to use tools that allow us to creatively share knowledge.  These tools provide the ability to add voice and visual animations, which add so much when communicating and collaborating with others.  Some digital citizens may want to remain anonymous and refrain from sharing their actual pictures online.  Voki is used to create an avatar to dress up "your" character, whether it resembles you or not, and allows you to share and publish information to our digital world.

It is important, as educators, that we model good behavior when using technology that will demonstrate appropriate use of digital tools and establish respect for others and their time when publishing work.  We need to instill in our students that the information they share should encompass current research and critical reflection to add value to the information and knowledge they are imparting on others.

Tools such as Voki and other podcasting tools present unique opportunities for facilitating, augmenting, and redefining how we learn and share knowledge.  Advancements in technology are bringing all of us closer to real-world learning environments.  As educators, if we use technology from the social constructivist perspective, we can innovate and invent new ways of designing, developing, and delivering learning experiences that are engaging, challenging, and stimulating; in effect, engaging both learners and educators in the construction of knowledge and meaning making beyond the classroom and into our digital realm.

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